Friday, March 9, 2012

Ancient music

Music, over time, played an important role for all the cultures, and ancient music represents a very beautiful and interesting period in the history of music. Music is as old as the humanity, even if, at the beginning of the history, music could not be considered a form of art.

The importance of music

Since the beginnings of its history, the music played a very important role for each culture, society and individual, due to the fact that music and art in general are basic products of humanity. The art depends on humanity, and vice versa, because people have always had a burning desire to create.

The perception of the sounds is inevitable, and they have always been a mystery to the people, as they were trying to reproduce them in the strangest ways possible. People have always treated music as a very important part of their lives. Since ancient times, music influenced people’s behavior, emotions, and feelings, having a therapeutic use in many cases, even if we talk about listening to music or creating it.

Try to imagine how your life will look like without music in it. And don’t think just about what you hear at the T.V. or radio, but think about all the sounds that are surrounding you everywhere. Life without music would be a quiet, even barren space, without any color in it, because it can be said that music is the definition of society, having a significant effect on those who listen to it.

Music was and still is a very interesting way of expression and transmission of some messages, being able to describe things or feelings for which words are useless. Over time, music became a perfect form of art. However, there were some researchers who said that music only became an art when the people were able to master it, namely in the moment when it evolved from a psychological point of view, and began to utter words. The music was at first used during magic rituals and dances.

The importance of music during ancient times

In various ancient societies, music played a very important role, being present everywhere, from the simple social events to religious ceremonies or plays. Especially in ancient Greece, music had a great influence on people, as can be seen in various historical and literary writings, but also through some paintings dating from that period that illustrate some musicians and musical instruments. Various ancient musical instruments were discovered over time, which proves the ancients’ interest for this form of art. In Antiquity it was thought that music is a real form of art which can be learned only under the careful guidance of a skilled teacher.

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